On a humble raft, I found myself in an ocean,
Its minuscule mast casted a shadow across my eyes,
And I saw silence speak.
I spoke to the wind,
For it to carry my message into a distance,
For its effect to take root in another ear,
An ignorant ear.
I heard whispers among the crested waves,
As if they were spreading rumors about me.
The wind swept up those words
And gave them to me.
Being all alone now
I shouted to the congregation of tiny droplets,
Falling from the cheek of God,
For keeping me alive.
You see…. I came here to die.
The winds gentile palm set me on a splintering vessel.
Set course for serenity,
And I sat and I listened,
Not for the whimpering of another gust,
Nor the pitter patter of raindrops,
But I listened to the silence speak.
The sea held its breath,
Sunshine froze above my skin,
And I swore in that moment,
I’d be eternal.
I spoke to the wind and its own obscenities,
The obscure origin in which it was born,
But I was overcome with its inquisition as to who I was.
At the time I was a boy…
running from the notes of a different chord,
I thought there could be no flats and sharps in life if you had no middle C,
And look where that’s left us?
With a sea between you and me,
I was running from a past that I hadn’t endured,
Remembering memories I hadn’t lived,
I was afraid of a nightmare I hadn’t even dreamt.
It was a time of turmoil that constructed this heap of wood
Floating into this moment
That brought me here to speak to the wind,
So I spoke,
And dropping to my knees,
I bowed my head in prayer even when I knew nobody was listening,
And I begged to return home.
To the shore I came from.
To the land of my Mother,
My Father, My sister, my Lover.
I needed for the limp sail to fill with hope,
For the wind to breath into my soul
And push me towards the horizon
Where a sunset will stretch across my mind,
And amongst painted colors
You’d draw a new life for us,
A new beginning in-between the shadows of thought bubbles
And clouds.
Where we will kindle a new flame with an old spark
And maybe even upgrade this relationship
To an ark.
Pull it into port and pour ourselves some
Peace. And Quite.
We’ll toast to tranquility in a nonexistent breeze born out of my silence.
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