Monday, March 5, 2012

Prevail thy solemn Heart and Soul

Prevail thy solemn heart,
Escape into meadows of darkness.
Let thy touch erase troubles,
Wipe clean slates of chalk,
And burn papers of the past.
Prevail thy solemn heart,
And let free the sorrows held close,
Let tears fall into my cupped hands,
Whisper close the desperation for the undesired,
Talk about the stains left on thy deep chest,
Yell to the world about the scars upon thine mind,
And hold close to you which isn't yours.
Prevail thy solemn heart,
Shatter the glass surrounding the soul,
Let cuts run deeps,
And blood flow steady,
To let thy red wine escape into the nearby stream,
And carry forth which others will drink.
Drink and get drunk off of your memories,
Your blood and your tears,
Let your life wash away their worries,
Scrub clean their dirty souls.
Dirty souls brought forth,
From the brightest of good,
From the darkest of evil,
Within each a doubt whether they are meant to be present.
Prevail thy solemn soul,
For you are in control,
Of this body you assume,
And we are but a puppet in your play,
Your game of life.
Controlled not by ourselves,
But the small part of yourself that's not you.
Prevail thy solemn soul,
From this life of question,
From this time of no reason.
Let free the restraints on thy heart,
Unlock doors of my mind,
And let harmony exist in this world,
Where good can be present without evil,
Evil can rein without good,
And we have the choice to decide for ourselves,
Which world we shall live in.
Prevail thy solemn soul,
Let thou reasoning be heard,
Thy secrets revealed,
And intentions brought forth.

Original Poem by SethWilson Isaac Gray

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