Monday, March 5, 2012

Inspired from a romance movie quote

In the darkest of evil,
White light be evident,
In deepest of oceans, White pearls grow like daisies,
In green fields of clovers,
Black stones lie unturn.
In blue skies filled with dry rain,
Black clouds roll in with evil intent.
The same idea,
Be carried forth in our love.
We must try not to lie,
Try not to steal,
and never cheat.
But if we shall lie,
We shall lie with our lover every night,
Lie with their hand in yours,
And if we do steal,
We must steal a kiss in the rain,
Steal your lovers heart,
And hold it close to your own.
We must steal their sorrows away,
And never mention them again.
If we do cheat,
We should cheat death,
For nothing hurts more,
Than a lost soul.
We wish to be with our better half for eternity,
And never have the black veiled death come between us,
In the sweet kisses you give me,
White sparkles fly in the night.
Hands held interlaced,
In a dark cave,
Souls shine like bright lights.
Eyes light up under the blankets,
And as you laugh,
Meaning to life is presented to me,
And suddenly the world seems a little bit brighter in the middle of the night,
A little bit happier,
Through the bitter thoughts of past lovers sorrows.

Original Poem by SethWilson Isaac Gray


Alone be me at end of day,
At first shadow of night,
So I took it upon myself to write,
A poem that describes just what its like,
To be alone in such a big place,
An entire planet.
Friends stand by me,
And peers surround me,
So why must I say I'm alone?
To confide in another my hopes and my dreams,
To tell them the secrets among other things,
Hold close to cold body,
Kiss with a passion,
Love and not ration,
Just to be there.
There right by the door to my heart,
The gate to my soul,
But is there anyone to play such a role?
Not in the present,
I only wish for the future.
This one that is so different,
Unlike the rest,
The one to lay down with head on my chest,
Is but a riddle to solve.
It is the formula for happiness.
A pinch more of this,
A drop less of that,
And she'll be nothing to you but a cranky old bat.
But when it is perfect,
I'll shall know this at once,
For my heart shall skip along a yellow brick road,
To an Emerald city,
With my confidence,
My heart,
And my head as one,
She'll stand beside me,
Never to run.
Why are we alone?
To find ourselves.
In a desperate search for someone to love,
We find just what we want from above,
In the clouds,
Where dreams dance,
Imagination plays,
And love grows wild.
We pick fair daisy from fluffy white pillow,
Petals of cotton,
And as we pluck the petals from its center sun,
We decide whether they love us or not,
The imagination apparent as we let small daisy decide our fate,
Because its never to late.
Alone be my heart because it gave itself away,
For the time of only just a day,
Lost it became,
And never have I found it comfort yet.
I wrote this poem to find a way to explain,
Just how it is to feel this pain,
But words are not enough,
To describe how it is so tough.
To roam all alone,
Without you.

Original Poem by SethWilson Isaac Gray

Prevail thy solemn Heart and Soul

Prevail thy solemn heart,
Escape into meadows of darkness.
Let thy touch erase troubles,
Wipe clean slates of chalk,
And burn papers of the past.
Prevail thy solemn heart,
And let free the sorrows held close,
Let tears fall into my cupped hands,
Whisper close the desperation for the undesired,
Talk about the stains left on thy deep chest,
Yell to the world about the scars upon thine mind,
And hold close to you which isn't yours.
Prevail thy solemn heart,
Shatter the glass surrounding the soul,
Let cuts run deeps,
And blood flow steady,
To let thy red wine escape into the nearby stream,
And carry forth which others will drink.
Drink and get drunk off of your memories,
Your blood and your tears,
Let your life wash away their worries,
Scrub clean their dirty souls.
Dirty souls brought forth,
From the brightest of good,
From the darkest of evil,
Within each a doubt whether they are meant to be present.
Prevail thy solemn soul,
For you are in control,
Of this body you assume,
And we are but a puppet in your play,
Your game of life.
Controlled not by ourselves,
But the small part of yourself that's not you.
Prevail thy solemn soul,
From this life of question,
From this time of no reason.
Let free the restraints on thy heart,
Unlock doors of my mind,
And let harmony exist in this world,
Where good can be present without evil,
Evil can rein without good,
And we have the choice to decide for ourselves,
Which world we shall live in.
Prevail thy solemn soul,
Let thou reasoning be heard,
Thy secrets revealed,
And intentions brought forth.

Original Poem by SethWilson Isaac Gray

My Angel

In warm quilt thy shadow lies,
Surrounded by air that bears,
Frozen pleasures,
The Secret treasures.
Water drips for ceilings tall,
To harden tips which from high fall,
Fine dusting blankets fall,
And thy shadow ceases to exist at all.
Wet body lay about thee,
But wrapped up by a Christmas tree,
Near flames ablazing did I reserve,
Never to be seen,
Never to be heard.
But there I sat in the presence,
Of an angel that walks about.
Durin' the revival did I see,
Such a maiden in the sight of me.
Up I stood on legs all healed,
Towards her I made,
But she....
She was ware of me,
And stole away into the middle of the night,
I trudged through the wind,
I fought off the bite,
All whilst trying to see,
In the middle of the night!
When thy figure appears in front of thee,
There I made to,
And when frostbitten hand reached out to hold my maidens shivering body,
To dust she turns and blows away into the night.
Up from bed my body makes,
And round me not a single creature shakes.
No snowflakes cover my sacred grounds,
No icicles hang from atop the mounds,
No maiden by my fireplace.
All that is,
Is a snow-globe given by a lover past,
With a note written on near shattered glass,
I repeat words once spoken with a bit of a rasp...
" In your arms I'll always stay,
My heart will never fray,
For you my needle,
Your soul the thread,
Shall fix me up before I'm dead"
Back to bed my legs did go,
And under warm quilt where I retired before,
To dream about my darling angel once more.

Original Poem by SethWilson Isaac Gray

Hallow Winds over Shallow Grave

'pon hallow wind,
And shallow grave,
Those bodies lie,
Whence in a dream,
Unlike the others,
In a hole of misery,
No pot of flowers.
Tis bout thee.
No joy,
Just sorrow,
For all years to come,
Until the day arrives and goes,
Disappeared to the wind,
Like the white crow,
Did thy fellow fly,
Gliding along the waters of sky,
With fright of falling.
The tears they fall from clouds above,
And leave sad heart to soak,
It was naught but broke.
It lay there on the butchers table,
Knife held by many,
Yet none could disturb,
Thy torn heart which beat before them.
All but you and you alone,
You held the saber high and let it fall,
And then you dice it,
You mince it,
And rinse it.
Leaving thy ripped soul to be stitched by another.
I leave now to a world between worlds,
where the trees are tall and rivers wide,
Log cabin be where I reside,
and slowly let frozen soul,
Thaw before thee.
I sleep in silence,
And picture this,
Nothing but an unsought kiss.
Now in clouds my tears do fall,
In empty pots,
Like hug ol' blots,
On dove-feathered crows,
Into a hallow wind that now blows,
In my shallow grave,
Where my heart shall soon be laid,
Where all my debts are paid,
And thy secrets stayed.

Original Poem by SethWilson Isaac Gray